- I feared if I didn't allow myself some wiggle room I'd be too tempted and fail utterly
- I wanted to make it easy to socialize with friends
Today at the restaurant I had whole wheat pasta with veggies and pine nuts in a tomato basil sauce and it tasted fine, but it did not compare with my fabulous raw pizza:

The flavors and colors of raw food are just so vibrant! They're, well, alive.
The cheese experiment inspired by this blog post at the Sunny Raw Kitchen turned out rather well. I started with her recipe for the base cheese, substituting 1/2 tsp. of probiotic powder for each probiotic capsule and using water instead of Rejuvelac. I then cultured it for 24 hours. I divided the batch in half and seasoned as follows:

Mix together:
Dust 4" springform pan with more parsley flakes, fill with cheese mixture and chill until firm. |

Mix together:
Fill 4" springform pan with cheese mixture and chill until firm. |
The Italian herb cheese turned out great, and the cheddar wasn't bad but still needs tweaking. The foretaste was a bit too yeasty, but the aftertaste had just the right cheddary bite. I think I may play with the proportion of nutritional yeast to tahini next time.
The crust for the pizza also made crackers for the cheddar:
Grind into a flour (I use a coffee grinder for this):
Mix flax seed meal with:
Process with S blade in food processor:
Mix flax mixture with sunflower/buckwheat/sesame mixture and:
Spread mixture onto teflex sheets, score into squares or triangles, and dehydrate at 105 degrees. When top is dry, flip onto dehydrator tray and remove teflex sheet. Dehydrate until crackers are crisp. Note: if you plan on eating these plain, you may want to sprinkle them with salt before dehydrating. |
In the past few days I also tried a recipe for Creamy Carob Mousse from Carol Alt's book Eating in the Raw. I made a few modifications as I went, reducing the raw carob powder from 1 cup to 2/3 cup, substituting 1 tbsp. agave for each date, and adding a bit of almond milk. The base of the mousse is actually avocados, and I know that sounds gross, but believe it or not it tastes really good -- the only complaint I have about it is that the carob is a bit grainy.

Alt's book is a bit different from most raw books in that she's not vegan or even vegetarian: she eats raw dairy products and even raw or lightly seared meat and fish. There's also some ingredients in the recipes, like sprouted bread and rolled oats, that aren't raw. The book isn't the best that's out there by any means, but I'd recommend it for people who aren't vegetarians who are looking for suggestions on how to eat healthier. I just wouldn't recommend it to someone serious about becoming a raw vegan.
Here's what I've been eating for the last several days:
Day Seventeen:
- 2 pm (I did eat before 2, but the rest of my day is in an earlier post): Lunch at Walter's Restaurant in Claremont with Sporksforall and Teresa (black beans, rice, salata, bread, water)
- 4:30 pm: homegrown tangerine (from Sporks and Teresa's tree)
- 6:15 pm: homegrown tangerine, Everyday Raw vegan macaroni and cheese
- 7 pm: Eating in the Raw Carob Mousse
Day Eighteen:
- 9:15 am: banana, raw granola, almond milk
- noon: Larabar, cinnamon bun flavor
- 4:45 pm: Papaya
- 5 pm: Green smoothie (6 oz bag organic spinach, wheatgrass, spirulina, 1/2 banana, organic apple, 2 tangerines)
- 8:30 pm: Mango
- 9:30 pm: Raw snack mix
- 10 pm: almonds
Day Nineteen:
- 9 am: Green smoothie (2 bags of organic spinach, juice of 3 homegrown tangerines, 1 banana, Spirulina, water)
- 10:30 am: 2 FSBS Crackers with Cheddar "Cheese" spread
- 12:30 pm: 2 open faced sandwiches (raw raisin bread, 1 sliced pear, almond butter)
- 4 pm: Salad (1 organic romaine heart, avocado, organic plum tomatoes,1/4 red bell pepper, a few organic broccoli florets, and homemade sesame dressing
- 7 pm: Earth Cafe Pumpkin Spice of Life Pie (yummmmmmmmmm)
- 10 pm: Pecans and raisins
Day Twenty:
- 8:30 am: Green smoothie (6 oz. bag organic spinach, tsp. spirulina, banana, juice 3 homegrown tangerines, 2 1/2 tsp. maca, water)
- 2 pm: Larabar, cinnamon bun flavor
- 4 pm: 2 slices of raw pizza and some crackers with cheddar "cheese" spread
- 6:30 pm: 2 raw autumn squash cookies
- 8:40 pm: organic pear
- 9 pm: Raw granola with almond milk
- 10 pm: Raw cinnamon roll
Day Twenty-One:
- 9:45 am: Green smoothie (juice of 1 homegrown lemon, banana, organic pear, 3/4 bag of spinach, 2 Tbsp. hemp powder, 2 tsp. maca, 1 tsp. spirulina, water)
- noon: Lunch at Macaroni Grill with family (whole wheat penne with tomato-basil sauce, asparagus, pine nuts and spinach; water)
- 2:30 pm: 1/2 mango, organic kiwi, couple of sections of homegrown oranges (from a neighbor)
- 4 pm: almonds
- 5:15 pm: 2 slices of raw pizza, 1 cracker with cheddar cheese spread, lemon sparkling water
- 6 pm: Eating in the Raw Carob Mousse
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